Monday, March 7, 2011

Working In Pets Wonderland Malaysia

Palmi, dog in bad condition and chain, reported 73enne

A senior Palmi, AA, aged 73, owner of a dog breed of Maremma, has been denounced by the provincial command of the State Forestry Corps of Reggio, for maltreatment. The man, as ascertained by the agents, kept their animals in poor hygienic - sanitary and tied to a large chain of private and then be able to move properly. The intervention of the agents followed a report came to the exchange of environmental emergency in 1515 by some voluntary association of animal rights. Agents, which intervened in the locality of Marinella di Palmi, a veterinarian with the provincial health company, have seen the poor conditions of health and nutrition as well as the poor maintenance from the hygienic point of view of the animal.



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