Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does Oranges Causes Phlegm

Florence, kills his dog and eats

FLORENCE - He killed the dog of his sister, he has dissected, then ate it, the feet were even as pickled hams . The absurd and awful discovery was made in a shed at the foot of a hill in Florence by the guards of the National Animal Protection zoophilic. A 23 year old Italian has been charged with mistreatment and killing of animals, faces up to three years in prison.
Investigations agents, taken following reports of some a group on Facebook, with the theme of animals. "Flaying dogs is ethically permissible? My dog \u200b\u200bkills goats and chickens. Then I made the decision more grim: I killed him, I stripped naked and hung like a rabbit. " Atrocious sentences, those written by the young denounced traced after a few hours by the volunteers of the ENP, which, in an abandoned farmhouse at the foot of the hills of Florence, occupied by a group of homeless people, found themselves in front of a creepy scene .
The dog named "Cola", a fine example of a course of about 50 pounds, had been entrusted to the young man's sister, but the 23 year old reported killed him after a few hours and has stretched the skin of attaccandola alle doghe di un letto. Quando, domenica scorsa, le guardie zoofile sono arrivate nel casolare, da tempo occupato abusivamente da giovani senza fissa dimora, hanno notato la testa e la pelle di un cane, appena scuoiate, appese a pali e staccionate: all’interno c’erano cosci e altre parti dell’ animale. Tutto è stato sequestrato. «In 30 anni di attività a difesa degli animali non abbiamo mai visto una cosa del genere», raccontano Simone Porzio e Alessandro Quercioli, rispettivamente presidente e capo delle guardie zoofile di Enpa Firenze. Un caso talmente agghiacciante, che, proprio per preservare l’incolumità del denunciato da possibili vendette da parte degli animalisti, sui dati anagrafici the young and the resort of the macabre discovery applies the strictest confidentiality.
During the search, the guards have also found three Cosci animal, that had reported they were cured as a ham. "I ate that, the meat is good and tasty, has an aroma of truffle" admitted the young man as if nothing had happened. Then he said he killed his dog "for dying after a car accident," whereas the ENPA is satisfied that the dog was killed by strangulation. The prosecutor now investigating to determine whether the violence have also participated in other people. For 23-year-old has taken just one complaint for mistreatment and killing of animals, but now faces up to three years in prison.

source: photos from the web-


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