Saturday, March 12, 2011

Replacement Camper Cushions

Esplode la fisioterapia per i cani: massaggi, piscina e tapis-roulant

Rome - A bad accident or surgery from which to recover, neurological or orthopedic disease to fight, or simply the passing years, or pounds that accumulate: just like their owners, dogs can now count on the help of physiotherapy, in specialized centers that are spreading throughout Italy to meet the needs of 'pet'. With special techniques, massage, rehabilitation in the water. Strictly 'fours'. No longer just to rest, nest, therefore, the only way in the past to allow Fido to recover from trauma. But advanced methodologies, in principle reserved only for humans, animals and racing as the horses up to the 'mascot' of Italian homes. "Physiotherapy in veterinary medicine - said Adnkronos Salute Michael Nannotti Romasud Veterinary Clinic - has spread very recently. In Italy the first center was founded in Reggio Emilia, a few years ago, while abroad is used for some time and are more and more advanced techniques. "But even in the beautiful country is now possible to ensure the dog a number of ways to burn stages of healing. Alongside the application of new surgical techniques, in fact, born physiotherapy techniques 'stolen' to the human patient and animal adapted to the field. "The most common applications - continues the expert - are those carried out due to illness neurological and orthopedic, as well as neoplastic, infectious, vascular, for reasons other than cause problems for animal movement. After surgery or even to prevent it - he explains - is used in rehabilitation of the disc hernia, paralysis, hip dysplasia are the most common problems. But the owners often bring their old dog "to 'awaken' its mobility," or even a 'pet' obese, the race to replace the park, which has become impossible, combining a dietary treatment. "Largo, therefore, to "active or passive movement with massage and stretching, running 'Wizard' on the treadmill, electro and biostimulation with ad hoc machinery and particularly to water: the idrowalker a treadmill enclosed in a bath, dogs paralyzed and large size are encouraged to move and fail to support their weight, which would not normally do. The results are much faster than before. "The cost of a session of physical therapy depends on the size of the dog and treatment, but" starting from a minimum of 25 to a maximum of € 50 per session. "Operators that perform" must have a degree in veterinary medicine and followed and specialized courses in Italy or even better abroad. Recently, a Master's degree is finally born in Pisa, "said Nannotti.


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