vote in Parliament a law to allow municipalities to kill the dogs. Here
this press release the association "Save the dogs", che da molti anni lavora per salvare i cani randagi in Romania.
Martedì 8 marzo il Parlamento Romeno deciderà se approvare un provvedimento che cancella con un colpo di spugna la Legge 9/2008 e dà la possibilità ai sindaci di massacrare legalmente centinaia di migliaia di cani randagi. Se la legge venisse approvata - e le chance sono altissime poiché la proposta è sostenuta non solo dal partito di maggioranza del Presidente Basescu (PDL) ma anche da molti esponenti dell'opposizione - sarebbero condannati a morte i 2 milioni di randagi wandering on the territory of Romania.
In the face of public pressure - already suffering from a dramatic economic crisis and the recent scandal of Customs - the Parliament seems to have turned their backs on a law that was passed almost unanimously by the members Romania three years ago. In addition to allowing auditors to eliminate stray dogs, the law has other aspects that the voluntary sector and civil society considers unconstitutional. These include a ban on non-profit organization to go into public kennels to ensure the management and the severe limitations to the adoption of dogs in the structures.
Among the major supporters of the proposal is Elena Udrea, Minister of Development and Tourism very close to the President who has accused animal welfare groups have no interest in resolving the problem of stray dogs and endemic to hinder the authorities. "The Minister Udrea says it wants to import the model in the U.S. - said the President of Save the Dogs Sara Turek - where abandoned dogs are deleted after two weeks, but forget the fundamental differences between the American and Romanian situation. WHO - Turek continues - has repeatedly pointed out that the endemic problem of stray animals is not resolved by the removal of dogs from the territory but only with plans for mass vaccination and sterilization by means of animal identification and property. never Measures implemented by the Romanian authorities. The slogan Minister Udrea 'Enter The Carpatian Garden' - concludes Turek - will soon become a paradoxical call for tourists to walk among the corpses of thousands of stray dogs. "The animal welfare groups protested outside the House of the People in Bucharest Monday, March 7 afternoon, during the session Parliament's plenary session, starting at 15.00.
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