Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Malagiustizia: la vicenda di Simone Righi

severely beaten and then thrown in jail for defending the dignity of himself and his dogs. Cadiz. E '7 October 2007 and the streets of the English national animal is being held a demonstration calling loudly the closure of a shelter camps. Take part in the parade, along with 2000 other people, including an Italian couple, Simon and Jo. They also protest against the junta's mayor Saoz Teófilo Martínez, mayor for 15 years. I'm angry Jo Flowers and Simone Righi a month earlier, Sept. 13, have left their three dogs, Holly, Vito and Maggie in the custody of a private pension for animals, the animal rights association in Puerto Real from their recommended local municipal police, because an agreement with 15 communities including that of Cadiz.

At the time of withdrawal that takes place four days later, however, are not dogs: Holly's body is found in a freezer along with those of other dogs. Vito and Maggie have been burned instead. The vet and the kennel staff have fled. Simon calls the police and denounced those responsible for the kennel lager, which it turns out, is already the subject of previous surveys, "continued murder" of other dogs.

The event takes place in a peaceful way, there is hope and excitement in the crowd, because that day is the feast of the patron saint of Cadiz. Even the mayor is in town to attend mass celebrated in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary. Suddenly the procession moves in his direction, Simone Righi finds himself a few steps by the authorities, try to get close to the mayor to express their outrage by showing pictures of his dogs were killed for no reason. He can not even exceed a safe distance - as seen by innumerevoli video che circolano su YouTube -, eppure la polizia individua i due italiani tra la folla, e preleva con forza Simone. Jo grazie all’aiuto dei manifestanti riesce a rimanere indietro.

Il ragazzo viene scaraventato a terra in un vicolo, trattenuto e picchiato da sei agenti in divisa e in borghese. Sono facilmente visionabili le foto e i filmati che riprendono la scena del pestaggio e il trasporto di Simone verso la questura, sanguinante, contuso e ammanettato. Il giovane verrà accusato di attentato, aggressione al sindaco e resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Resta in carcere per tre giorni in isolamento e in stato di detenzione Prior to two months. Thanks to the mobilization and the payment of 3000 euro deposit, Simon released from prison Dec. 7, 2007, with withdrawal of the passport.

The trial opened Jan. 24, 2011, from the initial request of the prosecution of a disproportionate penalty of ten years, the first trial ended with an indictment for attempting to authority, and resisting the police inflicted injuries , a sentence of 5 years in prison and a substantial fine. On February 7, 2011 Congressman Franco Narducci (PD), Vice-President of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a parliamentary question addressed in particular to Minister Frattini, which shows a clear difference in treatment between the prosecution and defense, " that the evidence exculpatory of the accused did not have the same weight as those borne of the same" recalling that "as our system provides, the principle of equality between the prosecution and the defense is a basic principle of the English legal "and underscored the apparent lack of solid evidence confirming the allegations.

But the minister responds extremely vague and too diplomatic. Simone Righi needs far more effective aid, political correctness, because politics is the ruling that sentenced him to 5 years di detenzione, in quanto emessa senza la reale presenza di prove inconfutabili a suo carico e senza aver tenuto conto di tutte le prove incontrovertibili che lo scagionano. Prove ben visibili sul web a livello internazionale. Una seconda interrogazione parlamentare europea è stata inoltrata l’11 febbraio dal deputato Raúl Romeva i Rueda (Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds), al Parlamento e alla Commissione europea di Controllo, sollevando dubbi sull’equità del processo svolto e sottolineando le incongruenze della tesi accusatoria e della deposizione stessa del sindaco. Ricordando gli articoli 48 e 49 della nostra Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali, chiede apertamente al Parlamento se lo Stato spagnolo non stia incorrendo nella violation of freedom of a citizen, creating a process intentions fundamentally driven by political pressure. Meanwhile, on 22 February was held in Piazza Montecitorio the sit-in to sensitize the Government and Parliament to the story of Simone Righi, demanding a strong signal and a resolute stance, assistance and legal protection as it is for every citizen in Italian difficulties.



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