who mistreats an animal, often mistreated women and children
Recent studies published in the U.S. and Spain, show that violence sowing only violence, and there is a direct relationship between animal cruelty and the damage to your household. Professor Pagani - researcher of the CNR - emphasizes how children can be violent with animals in their turn of abused children, this means that within certain family is a system of coercion and systematic cruelty of the child in turn vents with those who are weaker than him. These signals are often not carefully considered important and sometimes ignored. To this should be reported cases of abuse on animals and are considered to be the important signals of distress of an issue in the broader spectrum within a family, where they are at risk not only animals, but all most fragile component: women and children. Dr. Sorcinelli - Italy-Link project leader pointed out that in the U.S. since the 70s to now - since the phenomenon has been investigated in our country - more than 70% of abused women reported that aguzzini in ambito domestico hanno minacciato di ferire i loro animali o lo hanno poi fatto; che più del 30% delle madri maltrattate ha segnalato analoghi comportamenti messi in atto dai loro a danno degli animali domestici. Tra il 25% e il 50% delle donne maltrattate in ambito familiare non si allontana da casa, anche per timore che i loro animali possano essere vittime della violenza, mentre il 40% delle donne riferisce di essere stata costretta a partecipare ad atti sessuali con animali – scrive ancora Sorcinelli -. Il 50% degli stupratori ha commesso atti di crudeltà verso gli animali da bambino o da adolescente mentre il 30% dei pedofili ha commesso atti di crudeltà verso animali. Negli Stati Uniti le agenzie di protezione degli animali hanno segnalato The existence of a close correlation between the abuse of animals and those against children denounce the mistreatment of animals is therefore an act of civilization that is not limited to law and respect for all animals, but has its effect also on the whole family environment in which the living affirmation of violence.
(press Enpa, March 8)
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