Carnival Ronciglione, empty runs, breaking news Tuscia - belonged to a team of ward Montecavallo Ronciglione, the horse who died yesterday during qualifying for free travel carnival. The animal is going to crash into a barrier in the central square of the ship, frozen under the gaze of the public.
The incident only serves to rekindle a long series of controversies for years are flashing Italy, because of numerous deaths of horses and jockeys in the traditional Italian poles on trails unsuitable. The free travel Ronciglione is a traditional horse race, now in use only Ronciglione, where the horses are routed on a path established riderless. The first race with the horses so-called "shaken" is no news as early as 1373 in Siena.
protests by animal rights activists, this type of racing in particular, have always existed, but they are reinforced in the nineties due to the doping of horses and the consequent continuous increase in accidents. The main cause of accidents is due to conditions unsuitable for racing. The modern road, in fact, significantly increases the risk of slipping and falling to the animals.
La Corsa a vuoto di Ronciglione avrebbe dovuto essere soppressa già da tempo. Solo le continue deroghe concesse dalla Regione Lazio e dal ministero della Salute, hanno fatto sì che il palio continuasse a svolgersi. Al momento, in seguito all'incidente di ieri, le corse di qualificazione sono state interrotte, mettendo in discussione anche la finale di martedì grasso.
Già nel gennaio 2011, l'agenzia GEAPRESS riporta che i consiglieri della Regione Lazio, Rodolfo Gigli (UDC), Francesco Battistoni (Pdl) e Giuseppe Parroncini (PD), proposero una legge per il riconoscimento storico del Palio di Roncilione che ha come conseguenza, l’assoluta mancanza protection of horses that could hurt or even die during the race and the impunity of the organizers of the competitions.
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