(AGI) Rome - Delete forever Palios and festivals that "involve the mistreatment of animals." This was stated by Minister of Tourism Michela Vittoria Brambilla, commenting on the incident on March 5 during the carnival Ronciglione (Viterbo), killed the horse Tiffany, slipped on the wet asphalt. "The fact that some anachronistic traditions have ancient roots does not mean that they should be continued forever," he added.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
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Riduce il suo cane pelle e ossa: denunciato "padrone"
"In 30 years we have never seen a dog so small." The employees of the veterinary service and the municipal dog pound di San Marino hanno ancora negli occhi l'immagine di quel povero animale ridotto a scheletro vivente dopo anni di denutrizione. È stato recuperato in un capannone artigianale nella zona di via Lama, legato con una catena a un palo. «Ovviamente - spiega Novella, volontaria del canile - è scattata la denuncia penale da parte del servizio veterinario comunale: ci auguriamo che a quello sciagurato padrone del cane venga inflitto il massimo della pena». L'animale, di pura razza Sharpei, quando è stato soccorso faticava a reggersi in piedi. «Rodolfo, questo il suo nome, è provatissimo - spiegano al canile - e completamente senza denti, risultato di anni senza cibo idoneo. Attualmente viene nutrito con small portions of food and vitamins to avoid damage to his stomach practically closed. " The volunteers also speculate that the dog was repeatedly beaten. "To notice of the animal - Novella says - were volunteers from the cat shelter in that area take care of a colony of cats. Noted the status of the dog immediately took our intervention. Once there we received explanations from the demented owner of the shed. He told us he has never fed the dog because he has no money to spend, also tried to make us believe that the poor animal was not his. Now if you will do with the law: It is possible that in a civilized country the animals are treated in this way. " The shelter invites the public to report the cases of mistreated animals 059-687069.
Source: Gazzetta di Modena
"In 30 years we have never seen a dog so small." The employees of the veterinary service and the municipal dog pound di San Marino hanno ancora negli occhi l'immagine di quel povero animale ridotto a scheletro vivente dopo anni di denutrizione. È stato recuperato in un capannone artigianale nella zona di via Lama, legato con una catena a un palo. «Ovviamente - spiega Novella, volontaria del canile - è scattata la denuncia penale da parte del servizio veterinario comunale: ci auguriamo che a quello sciagurato padrone del cane venga inflitto il massimo della pena». L'animale, di pura razza Sharpei, quando è stato soccorso faticava a reggersi in piedi. «Rodolfo, questo il suo nome, è provatissimo - spiegano al canile - e completamente senza denti, risultato di anni senza cibo idoneo. Attualmente viene nutrito con small portions of food and vitamins to avoid damage to his stomach practically closed. " The volunteers also speculate that the dog was repeatedly beaten. "To notice of the animal - Novella says - were volunteers from the cat shelter in that area take care of a colony of cats. Noted the status of the dog immediately took our intervention. Once there we received explanations from the demented owner of the shed. He told us he has never fed the dog because he has no money to spend, also tried to make us believe that the poor animal was not his. Now if you will do with the law: It is possible that in a civilized country the animals are treated in this way. " The shelter invites the public to report the cases of mistreated animals 059-687069.
Source: Gazzetta di Modena
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Malagiustizia: la vicenda di Simone Righi
severely beaten and then thrown in jail for defending the dignity of himself and his dogs. Cadiz. E '7 October 2007 and the streets of the English national animal is being held a demonstration calling loudly the closure of a shelter camps. Take part in the parade, along with 2000 other people, including an Italian couple, Simon and Jo. They also protest against the junta's mayor Saoz Teófilo Martínez, mayor for 15 years. I'm angry Jo Flowers and Simone Righi a month earlier, Sept. 13, have left their three dogs, Holly, Vito and Maggie in the custody of a private pension for animals, the animal rights association in Puerto Real from their recommended local municipal police, because an agreement with 15 communities including that of Cadiz.
At the time of withdrawal that takes place four days later, however, are not dogs: Holly's body is found in a freezer along with those of other dogs. Vito and Maggie have been burned instead. The vet and the kennel staff have fled. Simon calls the police and denounced those responsible for the kennel lager, which it turns out, is already the subject of previous surveys, "continued murder" of other dogs.
The event takes place in a peaceful way, there is hope and excitement in the crowd, because that day is the feast of the patron saint of Cadiz. Even the mayor is in town to attend mass celebrated in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary. Suddenly the procession moves in his direction, Simone Righi finds himself a few steps by the authorities, try to get close to the mayor to express their outrage by showing pictures of his dogs were killed for no reason. He can not even exceed a safe distance - as seen by innumerevoli video che circolano su YouTube -, eppure la polizia individua i due italiani tra la folla, e preleva con forza Simone. Jo grazie all’aiuto dei manifestanti riesce a rimanere indietro.
Il ragazzo viene scaraventato a terra in un vicolo, trattenuto e picchiato da sei agenti in divisa e in borghese. Sono facilmente visionabili le foto e i filmati che riprendono la scena del pestaggio e il trasporto di Simone verso la questura, sanguinante, contuso e ammanettato. Il giovane verrà accusato di attentato, aggressione al sindaco e resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Resta in carcere per tre giorni in isolamento e in stato di detenzione Prior to two months. Thanks to the mobilization and the payment of 3000 euro deposit, Simon released from prison Dec. 7, 2007, with withdrawal of the passport.
The trial opened Jan. 24, 2011, from the initial request of the prosecution of a disproportionate penalty of ten years, the first trial ended with an indictment for attempting to authority, and resisting the police inflicted injuries , a sentence of 5 years in prison and a substantial fine. On February 7, 2011 Congressman Franco Narducci (PD), Vice-President of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a parliamentary question addressed in particular to Minister Frattini, which shows a clear difference in treatment between the prosecution and defense, " that the evidence exculpatory of the accused did not have the same weight as those borne of the same" recalling that "as our system provides, the principle of equality between the prosecution and the defense is a basic principle of the English legal "and underscored the apparent lack of solid evidence confirming the allegations.
But the minister responds extremely vague and too diplomatic. Simone Righi needs far more effective aid, political correctness, because politics is the ruling that sentenced him to 5 years di detenzione, in quanto emessa senza la reale presenza di prove inconfutabili a suo carico e senza aver tenuto conto di tutte le prove incontrovertibili che lo scagionano. Prove ben visibili sul web a livello internazionale. Una seconda interrogazione parlamentare europea è stata inoltrata l’11 febbraio dal deputato Raúl Romeva i Rueda (Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds), al Parlamento e alla Commissione europea di Controllo, sollevando dubbi sull’equità del processo svolto e sottolineando le incongruenze della tesi accusatoria e della deposizione stessa del sindaco. Ricordando gli articoli 48 e 49 della nostra Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali, chiede apertamente al Parlamento se lo Stato spagnolo non stia incorrendo nella violation of freedom of a citizen, creating a process intentions fundamentally driven by political pressure. Meanwhile, on 22 February was held in Piazza Montecitorio the sit-in to sensitize the Government and Parliament to the story of Simone Righi, demanding a strong signal and a resolute stance, assistance and legal protection as it is for every citizen in Italian difficulties.
severely beaten and then thrown in jail for defending the dignity of himself and his dogs. Cadiz. E '7 October 2007 and the streets of the English national animal is being held a demonstration calling loudly the closure of a shelter camps. Take part in the parade, along with 2000 other people, including an Italian couple, Simon and Jo. They also protest against the junta's mayor Saoz Teófilo Martínez, mayor for 15 years. I'm angry Jo Flowers and Simone Righi a month earlier, Sept. 13, have left their three dogs, Holly, Vito and Maggie in the custody of a private pension for animals, the animal rights association in Puerto Real from their recommended local municipal police, because an agreement with 15 communities including that of Cadiz.
At the time of withdrawal that takes place four days later, however, are not dogs: Holly's body is found in a freezer along with those of other dogs. Vito and Maggie have been burned instead. The vet and the kennel staff have fled. Simon calls the police and denounced those responsible for the kennel lager, which it turns out, is already the subject of previous surveys, "continued murder" of other dogs.
The event takes place in a peaceful way, there is hope and excitement in the crowd, because that day is the feast of the patron saint of Cadiz. Even the mayor is in town to attend mass celebrated in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary. Suddenly the procession moves in his direction, Simone Righi finds himself a few steps by the authorities, try to get close to the mayor to express their outrage by showing pictures of his dogs were killed for no reason. He can not even exceed a safe distance - as seen by innumerevoli video che circolano su YouTube -, eppure la polizia individua i due italiani tra la folla, e preleva con forza Simone. Jo grazie all’aiuto dei manifestanti riesce a rimanere indietro.
Il ragazzo viene scaraventato a terra in un vicolo, trattenuto e picchiato da sei agenti in divisa e in borghese. Sono facilmente visionabili le foto e i filmati che riprendono la scena del pestaggio e il trasporto di Simone verso la questura, sanguinante, contuso e ammanettato. Il giovane verrà accusato di attentato, aggressione al sindaco e resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Resta in carcere per tre giorni in isolamento e in stato di detenzione Prior to two months. Thanks to the mobilization and the payment of 3000 euro deposit, Simon released from prison Dec. 7, 2007, with withdrawal of the passport.
The trial opened Jan. 24, 2011, from the initial request of the prosecution of a disproportionate penalty of ten years, the first trial ended with an indictment for attempting to authority, and resisting the police inflicted injuries , a sentence of 5 years in prison and a substantial fine. On February 7, 2011 Congressman Franco Narducci (PD), Vice-President of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a parliamentary question addressed in particular to Minister Frattini, which shows a clear difference in treatment between the prosecution and defense, " that the evidence exculpatory of the accused did not have the same weight as those borne of the same" recalling that "as our system provides, the principle of equality between the prosecution and the defense is a basic principle of the English legal "and underscored the apparent lack of solid evidence confirming the allegations.
But the minister responds extremely vague and too diplomatic. Simone Righi needs far more effective aid, political correctness, because politics is the ruling that sentenced him to 5 years di detenzione, in quanto emessa senza la reale presenza di prove inconfutabili a suo carico e senza aver tenuto conto di tutte le prove incontrovertibili che lo scagionano. Prove ben visibili sul web a livello internazionale. Una seconda interrogazione parlamentare europea è stata inoltrata l’11 febbraio dal deputato Raúl Romeva i Rueda (Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds), al Parlamento e alla Commissione europea di Controllo, sollevando dubbi sull’equità del processo svolto e sottolineando le incongruenze della tesi accusatoria e della deposizione stessa del sindaco. Ricordando gli articoli 48 e 49 della nostra Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali, chiede apertamente al Parlamento se lo Stato spagnolo non stia incorrendo nella violation of freedom of a citizen, creating a process intentions fundamentally driven by political pressure. Meanwhile, on 22 February was held in Piazza Montecitorio the sit-in to sensitize the Government and Parliament to the story of Simone Righi, demanding a strong signal and a resolute stance, assistance and legal protection as it is for every citizen in Italian difficulties.
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Comiso:non vedente non può entrare nei locali pubblici col cane
Comiso-Archdeacon, who is blind. Andrj For him, a wonderful Labrador retriever six years, is the pass for a normal life. For some time, however, said Archdeacon of suffering injustice. Although its a pet guide dogs trained at the school of Messina, is not always allowed to enter public places like restaurants or shops.
"My dog \u200b\u200bis trained and shows no discomfort - affirms bitter Arcidiacono - Leave caressed by children and has never been violent reactions against anyone. His presence helps me and makes me move independently. But what is I can not get anywhere? "
Mr. Archdeacon on his side not only logic but also the law. The No 376 of 1988 provides free access of blind people accompanied by dogs almost anywhere. "I trained guide dogs - the teacher explains Arestia, president of the Italian Blind Union Ragusa - may also enter into a church or a theater. They are trained in such a way as to remain in absolute silence and compound master's feet. The law requires operators of public places, including restaurants, to give them free access. " The regional center "Helen Keller" of Messina, in fact, trains dogs in perfectly with courses in at least 15 days that bind the host animal in absolute harmony.
Comiso-Archdeacon, who is blind. Andrj For him, a wonderful Labrador retriever six years, is the pass for a normal life. For some time, however, said Archdeacon of suffering injustice. Although its a pet guide dogs trained at the school of Messina, is not always allowed to enter public places like restaurants or shops.
"My dog \u200b\u200bis trained and shows no discomfort - affirms bitter Arcidiacono - Leave caressed by children and has never been violent reactions against anyone. His presence helps me and makes me move independently. But what is I can not get anywhere? "
Mr. Archdeacon on his side not only logic but also the law. The No 376 of 1988 provides free access of blind people accompanied by dogs almost anywhere. "I trained guide dogs - the teacher explains Arestia, president of the Italian Blind Union Ragusa - may also enter into a church or a theater. They are trained in such a way as to remain in absolute silence and compound master's feet. The law requires operators of public places, including restaurants, to give them free access. " The regional center "Helen Keller" of Messina, in fact, trains dogs in perfectly with courses in at least 15 days that bind the host animal in absolute harmony.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Esplode la fisioterapia per i cani: massaggi, piscina e tapis-roulant
Rome - A bad accident or surgery from which to recover, neurological or orthopedic disease to fight, or simply the passing years, or pounds that accumulate: just like their owners, dogs can now count on the help of physiotherapy, in specialized centers that are spreading throughout Italy to meet the needs of 'pet'. With special techniques, massage, rehabilitation in the water. Strictly 'fours'. No longer just to rest, nest, therefore, the only way in the past to allow Fido to recover from trauma. But advanced methodologies, in principle reserved only for humans, animals and racing as the horses up to the 'mascot' of Italian homes. "Physiotherapy in veterinary medicine - said Adnkronos Salute Michael Nannotti Romasud Veterinary Clinic - has spread very recently. In Italy the first center was founded in Reggio Emilia, a few years ago, while abroad is used for some time and are more and more advanced techniques. "But even in the beautiful country is now possible to ensure the dog a number of ways to burn stages of healing. Alongside the application of new surgical techniques, in fact, born physiotherapy techniques 'stolen' to the human patient and animal adapted to the field. "The most common applications - continues the expert - are those carried out due to illness neurological and orthopedic, as well as neoplastic, infectious, vascular, for reasons other than cause problems for animal movement. After surgery or even to prevent it - he explains - is used in rehabilitation of the disc hernia, paralysis, hip dysplasia are the most common problems. But the owners often bring their old dog "to 'awaken' its mobility," or even a 'pet' obese, the race to replace the park, which has become impossible, combining a dietary treatment. "Largo, therefore, to "active or passive movement with massage and stretching, running 'Wizard' on the treadmill, electro and biostimulation with ad hoc machinery and particularly to water: the idrowalker a treadmill enclosed in a bath, dogs paralyzed and large size are encouraged to move and fail to support their weight, which would not normally do. The results are much faster than before. "The cost of a session of physical therapy depends on the size of the dog and treatment, but" starting from a minimum of 25 to a maximum of € 50 per session. "Operators that perform" must have a degree in veterinary medicine and followed and specialized courses in Italy or even better abroad. Recently, a Master's degree is finally born in Pisa, "said Nannotti.
Rome - A bad accident or surgery from which to recover, neurological or orthopedic disease to fight, or simply the passing years, or pounds that accumulate: just like their owners, dogs can now count on the help of physiotherapy, in specialized centers that are spreading throughout Italy to meet the needs of 'pet'. With special techniques, massage, rehabilitation in the water. Strictly 'fours'. No longer just to rest, nest, therefore, the only way in the past to allow Fido to recover from trauma. But advanced methodologies, in principle reserved only for humans, animals and racing as the horses up to the 'mascot' of Italian homes. "Physiotherapy in veterinary medicine - said Adnkronos Salute Michael Nannotti Romasud Veterinary Clinic - has spread very recently. In Italy the first center was founded in Reggio Emilia, a few years ago, while abroad is used for some time and are more and more advanced techniques. "But even in the beautiful country is now possible to ensure the dog a number of ways to burn stages of healing. Alongside the application of new surgical techniques, in fact, born physiotherapy techniques 'stolen' to the human patient and animal adapted to the field. "The most common applications - continues the expert - are those carried out due to illness neurological and orthopedic, as well as neoplastic, infectious, vascular, for reasons other than cause problems for animal movement. After surgery or even to prevent it - he explains - is used in rehabilitation of the disc hernia, paralysis, hip dysplasia are the most common problems. But the owners often bring their old dog "to 'awaken' its mobility," or even a 'pet' obese, the race to replace the park, which has become impossible, combining a dietary treatment. "Largo, therefore, to "active or passive movement with massage and stretching, running 'Wizard' on the treadmill, electro and biostimulation with ad hoc machinery and particularly to water: the idrowalker a treadmill enclosed in a bath, dogs paralyzed and large size are encouraged to move and fail to support their weight, which would not normally do. The results are much faster than before. "The cost of a session of physical therapy depends on the size of the dog and treatment, but" starting from a minimum of 25 to a maximum of € 50 per session. "Operators that perform" must have a degree in veterinary medicine and followed and specialized courses in Italy or even better abroad. Recently, a Master's degree is finally born in Pisa, "said Nannotti.
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Bracconaggio e povertà: il Madagascar si mangia i suoi lemuri
Nella notte tra il 31 dicembre e il primo gennaio a Vohémar, nel nord-est del Madagascar, furono intercettati dei bracconieri con 32 lemuri uccisi smoked and who worked with two accomplices, one of them living in the area. The arrest has highlighted the existence of a real network of illegal poaching and trade of meat lemurs, even of the rarest species "Among the 32 bodies found - environmental group says the Madagascan Fanamby - was again crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus ) who does costs of this gruesome trade. It 'also interested in another smaller species, but do not yet know if this is the new species recently discovered in Phaner Daraina "What is certain is that the meat of lemurs is increasingly in demand in the north east of Grande Île: The restaurants in the region of Vohémar sell a plate of meat indry of between 6,000 and 10,000 Ariary (3 to $ 5). The indry (Indri indri ), the Malagasy call Babakot, is one of the largest species of lemurs and diurne.Ma habits has not only the poachers who often works at night, even people living near forests, often in situations of extreme poverty, have taken a cacciare i lemuri.Secondo il primatologo Henri Jonah Ratsimbazafy, nel 2010 si ha notizia della scomparsa di almeno 3.000 lemuri appartenenti a tutte le specie. La retata dell'ultimo dell'anno è probably the result of growing demand and consumption of meat of lemurs, which led to the traffic of the species that eventually alarmed even the very lax law enforcement. Fanamby president, Serge Rajaobelina, points out that "Despite the actions that the NGOs and other actors for the leading daily maintenance of biodiversity, the traffickers lovers of money are always ways to remove these species. "Traffickers are facilitated by the fact that the law of Madagascar is still not applied with regard to punishment caterers and final consumers, because the réglementation forestière only prohibits the hunting of lemurs and provides only for poachers a sentence ranging from 2 to 5 years in prison. Basically, if a lemur hunted illegally arrive in a restaurant, no one is more colpevole.La hunger on one side and greed threaten to deprive the other of one of Madagascar its sources of income, as the native species of lemurs are among those that attract more Western tourists in his fooreste endangered by illegal logging pregiato e dalla produzione di carbone di legna. Recentemente è stata presentata da Conservation International la terza edizione della "Lemurs Guide of Madagascar" della quale Fanamby è coautrice. Nel 2010 île were counted in the big five families, 15 genera and 101 species of lemurs, but many are at risk of extinction because of deforestation and hunting.
Nella notte tra il 31 dicembre e il primo gennaio a Vohémar, nel nord-est del Madagascar, furono intercettati dei bracconieri con 32 lemuri uccisi smoked and who worked with two accomplices, one of them living in the area. The arrest has highlighted the existence of a real network of illegal poaching and trade of meat lemurs, even of the rarest species "Among the 32 bodies found - environmental group says the Madagascan Fanamby - was again crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus ) who does costs of this gruesome trade. It 'also interested in another smaller species, but do not yet know if this is the new species recently discovered in Phaner Daraina "What is certain is that the meat of lemurs is increasingly in demand in the north east of Grande Île: The restaurants in the region of Vohémar sell a plate of meat indry of between 6,000 and 10,000 Ariary (3 to $ 5). The indry (Indri indri ), the Malagasy call Babakot, is one of the largest species of lemurs and diurne.Ma habits has not only the poachers who often works at night, even people living near forests, often in situations of extreme poverty, have taken a cacciare i lemuri.Secondo il primatologo Henri Jonah Ratsimbazafy, nel 2010 si ha notizia della scomparsa di almeno 3.000 lemuri appartenenti a tutte le specie. La retata dell'ultimo dell'anno è probably the result of growing demand and consumption of meat of lemurs, which led to the traffic of the species that eventually alarmed even the very lax law enforcement. Fanamby president, Serge Rajaobelina, points out that "Despite the actions that the NGOs and other actors for the leading daily maintenance of biodiversity, the traffickers lovers of money are always ways to remove these species. "Traffickers are facilitated by the fact that the law of Madagascar is still not applied with regard to punishment caterers and final consumers, because the réglementation forestière only prohibits the hunting of lemurs and provides only for poachers a sentence ranging from 2 to 5 years in prison. Basically, if a lemur hunted illegally arrive in a restaurant, no one is more colpevole.La hunger on one side and greed threaten to deprive the other of one of Madagascar its sources of income, as the native species of lemurs are among those that attract more Western tourists in his fooreste endangered by illegal logging pregiato e dalla produzione di carbone di legna. Recentemente è stata presentata da Conservation International la terza edizione della "Lemurs Guide of Madagascar" della quale Fanamby è coautrice. Nel 2010 île were counted in the big five families, 15 genera and 101 species of lemurs, but many are at risk of extinction because of deforestation and hunting.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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Camionisti in discoteca, mucche e maiali senza cibo e acqua
They found the time to go to the disco, but not to feed and watering the cows and pigs that were transporting from Piedmont to Veneto and Campania. For this two drivers were arrested Friday by the Naples police road to the A1 motorway Calenzano. Cows and pigs, fifty in all, taken in the provinces of Cuneo and Padua, were on their way from dawn on Thursday and were left without water and forage. During the journey, the drivers were not missing this at all: in addition to meals, as reconstructed from the Road, also a side trip to the disco on Thursday sera.E 'touched agents then watering the cows and pigs. Meanwhile it has climbed back to the owner of the trucking company, based in the province of Naples, who was fined a total of € 15,000.
Article source: the Tyrrhenian
They found the time to go to the disco, but not to feed and watering the cows and pigs that were transporting from Piedmont to Veneto and Campania. For this two drivers were arrested Friday by the Naples police road to the A1 motorway Calenzano. Cows and pigs, fifty in all, taken in the provinces of Cuneo and Padua, were on their way from dawn on Thursday and were left without water and forage. During the journey, the drivers were not missing this at all: in addition to meals, as reconstructed from the Road, also a side trip to the disco on Thursday sera.E 'touched agents then watering the cows and pigs. Meanwhile it has climbed back to the owner of the trucking company, based in the province of Naples, who was fined a total of € 15,000.
Article source: the Tyrrhenian
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Seviziavano gatti ,a processo tre muratori di Guspini
The desperate cries of a cat that has been reduced at the end of life has attracted the attention of his mistress, who was looking for him for days. She realized that someone was killing e ha segnalato tutto alla polizia municipale: una pattuglia di vigili è intervenuta subito e ha scoperto tutto quello che accadeva all'interno del cantiere. E ha fatto scattare le denunce. Ora, di fronte al giudice per difendersi dall'accusa di maltrattamento di animali, si ritrovano tre muratori di Guspini: Giampaolo Pia di 46 anni, Massimiliano Pinna di 32 e Maurizio Giraldo di 30.
Ieri mattina, di fronte al giudice monocratico del Tribunale di Tempio, Riccardo De Vito, si è aperto il processo. Il pubblico ministero Gianmarco Vargiu ha interrogato i primi testimoni, tra i quali la donna che ha allertato la polizia municipale. Il suo gattino era scomparso da alcuni giorni e lei lo cercava dappertutto, in tutte le strade del quartiere e anche nelle campagne. Poi ha sentito il lamento disperato e ha capito che stava succedendo qualcosa di macabro. Quando gli agenti della polizia locale sono entrati nel cantiere hanno trovato le gabbie e il gatto moribondo. Un veloce sopralluogo è bastato per capire come funzionava il sistema. Per attirare i gatti, all'interno della trappola era stata sistemata un'esca: un boccone di carne che bastava per catturare la preda. A quel punto iniziavano le sevizie con il fuoco.
Giampaolo Pia, Massimiliano Pinna e Maurizio Giraldo sono stati subito denunciati e nel corso della prossima udienza, che si svolgerà a giugno, il giudice emetterà la sentenza.
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Ancona,box in riva al fiume: quattro cani salvati, uno morto annegato
Il Corpo Forestale dello Stato ha denunciato per maltrattamento e uccisione di animali cinque persone. Sono i proprietari di cani , quattro dei quali trovati ancora vivi, l’ultimo morto annegato nel box di un canile per cani da caccia (da accertare se abusivo) in riva al fiume Esino nel Comune di Chiaravalle (AN), durante il maltempo che ha colpito la zona anconetana mercoledì scorso.
Si tratta di P.D. di 79 anni, O.G., di 41, C.E. e M.G., tutti e due di 61 anni, e F.F., di 47. I cani sopravvisuti sono stati sequestrati dal personale del Comando della Stazione e del Comando Provinciale the State Forestry Department, as well as the carcass of the dead. A patrol of the CFS, along with zoophilic guards and volunteers of the National Fire Brigade, reached the area dell'Esino.
The animals were found half-submerged overflowed by water and mud. Have been identified thanks to the microchip ID cards and application of the dog. It has yet to be identified another man who had managed to recover the dog away and, after a guard railed against zoofila.Successivamente, both dogs recovered the dead specimen was transported in the Office of Veterinary Services Regional Clairvaux where they were visited by the veterinary staff, then, have been entrusted to judicial custody in a kennel authorized Montemarciano, while the dead body of the animal was disposed of by the staff of the same kennel, at the expense of the owner.
Il Corpo Forestale dello Stato ha denunciato per maltrattamento e uccisione di animali cinque persone. Sono i proprietari di cani , quattro dei quali trovati ancora vivi, l’ultimo morto annegato nel box di un canile per cani da caccia (da accertare se abusivo) in riva al fiume Esino nel Comune di Chiaravalle (AN), durante il maltempo che ha colpito la zona anconetana mercoledì scorso.
Si tratta di P.D. di 79 anni, O.G., di 41, C.E. e M.G., tutti e due di 61 anni, e F.F., di 47. I cani sopravvisuti sono stati sequestrati dal personale del Comando della Stazione e del Comando Provinciale the State Forestry Department, as well as the carcass of the dead. A patrol of the CFS, along with zoophilic guards and volunteers of the National Fire Brigade, reached the area dell'Esino.
The animals were found half-submerged overflowed by water and mud. Have been identified thanks to the microchip ID cards and application of the dog. It has yet to be identified another man who had managed to recover the dog away and, after a guard railed against zoofila.Successivamente, both dogs recovered the dead specimen was transported in the Office of Veterinary Services Regional Clairvaux where they were visited by the veterinary staff, then, have been entrusted to judicial custody in a kennel authorized Montemarciano, while the dead body of the animal was disposed of by the staff of the same kennel, at the expense of the owner.
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Albavilla: trovato cane con nastro adesivo sul muso, morto per soffocamento
Albany, March 11, 2011 - is one of the most brutal episodes of violence against animals, an excess of cruelty ever seen in our area. In the afternoon of Wednesday, the local police in Albany have been reported by a passer-by found a small mutt who died along the road leading to the Alpe of the Viceroy. Male, about ten pounds, was blocked with tape around the snout to the package, which also covered the nose and ran around the ears.
same treatment by the hind legs, so they do not move. The officials called the leaders of local health units: a first assessment, it was not possible to determine whether this treatment so disturbing, was the cause of death of the animal, which appears to have been suffocated. The body was placed under sequestration and taken to the Veterinary Service of ASL, where expected claims by the prosecution on the findings to play.
The local police has in fact filed a Monday morning denuncia contro ignoti per uccisione, maltrattamento e sevizie di animale. Contemporaneamente, attraverso il microchip, è stata identificata la proprietaria, una donna di origine romena residente a Tavernerio. «È la prima volta che ci troviamo davanti a un caso del genere – afferma Claudio Fraquelli, responsabile del servizio di Sanità Animale della Asl –. Anni fa è capitato di intervenire per due cani tenuti in pessime condizioni in una cantina, e qualche volta troviamo animai feriti da colpi d’arma da fuoco, oppure uccisi con coltelli o fucilate, ma non ci sono mai stati episodi così violenti. Davanti a questo cagnolino, non si capiscono i motivi di tanto accanimento.
Ora siamo in attesa delle disposizioni della Procura, per svolgere l’autopsia e capire se l’animale è morto per soffocamento o per altra causa. È però certo che è stato un lavoro lungo, chi ha fatto questa cosa, non ha impiegato pochi minuti». Intanto la polizia locale di Albavilla, sta facendo accertamenti per cercare di risalire a chi ha abbandonato il cane in quelle condizioni, in mezzo alle sterpaglie lungo la strada che sale verso la Salute: a questo proposito, sarebbe utile ogni segnalazione che possa contribuire a raccogliere informazioni. Il maltrattamento e l’uccisione di animali, dal 2004 sono reati puniti da un minimo di tre mesi, fino a un anno e mezzo di condanna.
Albany, March 11, 2011 - is one of the most brutal episodes of violence against animals, an excess of cruelty ever seen in our area. In the afternoon of Wednesday, the local police in Albany have been reported by a passer-by found a small mutt who died along the road leading to the Alpe of the Viceroy. Male, about ten pounds, was blocked with tape around the snout to the package, which also covered the nose and ran around the ears.
same treatment by the hind legs, so they do not move. The officials called the leaders of local health units: a first assessment, it was not possible to determine whether this treatment so disturbing, was the cause of death of the animal, which appears to have been suffocated. The body was placed under sequestration and taken to the Veterinary Service of ASL, where expected claims by the prosecution on the findings to play.
The local police has in fact filed a Monday morning denuncia contro ignoti per uccisione, maltrattamento e sevizie di animale. Contemporaneamente, attraverso il microchip, è stata identificata la proprietaria, una donna di origine romena residente a Tavernerio. «È la prima volta che ci troviamo davanti a un caso del genere – afferma Claudio Fraquelli, responsabile del servizio di Sanità Animale della Asl –. Anni fa è capitato di intervenire per due cani tenuti in pessime condizioni in una cantina, e qualche volta troviamo animai feriti da colpi d’arma da fuoco, oppure uccisi con coltelli o fucilate, ma non ci sono mai stati episodi così violenti. Davanti a questo cagnolino, non si capiscono i motivi di tanto accanimento.
Ora siamo in attesa delle disposizioni della Procura, per svolgere l’autopsia e capire se l’animale è morto per soffocamento o per altra causa. È però certo che è stato un lavoro lungo, chi ha fatto questa cosa, non ha impiegato pochi minuti». Intanto la polizia locale di Albavilla, sta facendo accertamenti per cercare di risalire a chi ha abbandonato il cane in quelle condizioni, in mezzo alle sterpaglie lungo la strada che sale verso la Salute: a questo proposito, sarebbe utile ogni segnalazione che possa contribuire a raccogliere informazioni. Il maltrattamento e l’uccisione di animali, dal 2004 sono reati puniti da un minimo di tre mesi, fino a un anno e mezzo di condanna.
di Paola Poplars - source article: the day - photos from the web
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Renzo Bossi, Umberto's most famous son, does not mention explicitly the herd "Green Hill" Montechiari, but the motion submitted to the Regional Council of Lombardy sounds like a death knell for this establishment that for years has been the target of animal welfare organizations and, for some time, even in that of the inhabitants of that Montechiari "spontaneously and across the political movements have begun to protest loudly asking chisura.
'boss the young', the Government of Lombardy, with the motion asked 106 expressly commit to "restrict the maximum possibility of using animals for vivisection, to minimize the presence on the ground in Lombardy livestock facilities and detention of animals for research and vivisection, by all means encourage experimentation without 'use of animals (...)». The young Bossi does not, moreover, to present, on the subject, a bill that commits definitely Lombardy and Italy. Astonishment and applause accompanied the parliamentary act.
How do you see the dr. Massimo Tettamanti, Scientific Advisor ATRA, CEO of I-CARE, the International Center for Alternatives in Research and Education Advisor of the Mahatma Gandhi Center of Government Indian and consultant for the revision of Decree 116/92 of the Italian government, quest'accelerazione? "I welcome the discussion by thoughtful and informed public opinion. Ben is the fact that it becomes subject of interest in the relevant institutional bodies. Ben is that politicians from all parties give signals against an unnecessary and outdated use of animals for experimental purposes. Following approval of the European Directive Italy must work to enact a national law on the subject. This law is ready, prepared a table before specialists and against vivisection, which have reached a compromise. Our work is now possible - continues Tettamanti - get in quickly absolute prohibitions without exceptions vivisection experiments, a different and more manageable bureaucracy and a greater focus on innovative scientific methods not using animals. Italian politics may be limited to claims or bills which then often end up in a drawer as in the past, or may change the national and local laws with modern legal system would become a new stimulus for neighboring countries like Switzerland, what percentage are be much more widely and Vivisector. " Yes, because we must not forget that the Swiss practice vivisection, and animals "experienced", we are about 600 000 each year (900,000 in Italy).
news source
Renzo Bossi, Umberto's most famous son, does not mention explicitly the herd "Green Hill" Montechiari, but the motion submitted to the Regional Council of Lombardy sounds like a death knell for this establishment that for years has been the target of animal welfare organizations and, for some time, even in that of the inhabitants of that Montechiari "spontaneously and across the political movements have begun to protest loudly asking chisura.
'boss the young', the Government of Lombardy, with the motion asked 106 expressly commit to "restrict the maximum possibility of using animals for vivisection, to minimize the presence on the ground in Lombardy livestock facilities and detention of animals for research and vivisection, by all means encourage experimentation without 'use of animals (...)». The young Bossi does not, moreover, to present, on the subject, a bill that commits definitely Lombardy and Italy. Astonishment and applause accompanied the parliamentary act.
How do you see the dr. Massimo Tettamanti, Scientific Advisor ATRA, CEO of I-CARE, the International Center for Alternatives in Research and Education Advisor of the Mahatma Gandhi Center of Government Indian and consultant for the revision of Decree 116/92 of the Italian government, quest'accelerazione? "I welcome the discussion by thoughtful and informed public opinion. Ben is the fact that it becomes subject of interest in the relevant institutional bodies. Ben is that politicians from all parties give signals against an unnecessary and outdated use of animals for experimental purposes. Following approval of the European Directive Italy must work to enact a national law on the subject. This law is ready, prepared a table before specialists and against vivisection, which have reached a compromise. Our work is now possible - continues Tettamanti - get in quickly absolute prohibitions without exceptions vivisection experiments, a different and more manageable bureaucracy and a greater focus on innovative scientific methods not using animals. Italian politics may be limited to claims or bills which then often end up in a drawer as in the past, or may change the national and local laws with modern legal system would become a new stimulus for neighboring countries like Switzerland, what percentage are be much more widely and Vivisector. " Yes, because we must not forget that the Swiss practice vivisection, and animals "experienced", we are about 600 000 each year (900,000 in Italy).
news source
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Salvataggio "miracoloso"
was in its C Anyone Crest Dog Training Center, in Tacoma, near Washington, when one of his guests to four feet, Sugar, suddenly collapsed. The owner of the center, Ron Pace, owner of the center, and trainer of dogs, wasted no time and has revived in a few minutes with some brief pressure on the chest. Sugar has taken over the eyes of his mistress, Tiffany Kauth.
was in its C Anyone Crest Dog Training Center, in Tacoma, near Washington, when one of his guests to four feet, Sugar, suddenly collapsed. The owner of the center, Ron Pace, owner of the center, and trainer of dogs, wasted no time and has revived in a few minutes with some brief pressure on the chest. Sugar has taken over the eyes of his mistress, Tiffany Kauth.
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Cornate a boxer, the order of the Mayor "The country is fit for animals"
Outlaws signs "I can not enter." The revenge of the four-legged friends part from Corno d'Adda, near Milan, where the mayor signed an order pdl Fabio Quadri opens the doors of public houses and transport dogs and cats. And for those who do not adapt, fines of up to 500 €. The only exceptions are: schools and hospitals, places deemed sensitive.
"I also have a dog and I think this is a choice of common sense - says the mayor - in most European countries is a rule in force for some time." At a coffee bar or restaurant, in the municipal offices, between the supermarket aisles or on the bus to get from one side of the city, the most faithful friend of man will always be beside their master. Remains mandatory for all the leash and a muzzle for breeds considered dangerous.
block in hand, next week will turn the local police to enforce the order. Fines from 25 to 500 € for violations. Sets penalties for those salty dogs and cats on display, also prohibited by this new regulation. Separate chapter are the residences for the elderly, where the entry of domestic animals are allowed only if the owner is a guest of the hotel.
But behind the decision is also an economic calculation. The administration has focused on the strong revival of tourism, and city hotels and bed & breakfasts are opening on every corner. "Banning the entry of dogs in these facilities would be like pulling in the foot. So instead incentivize the industry and all related activities. I hope that neighboring communities agree to adopt this measure, "says Diamond.
other side of the fence dealers, many of whom have already expressed their disappointment. For them, the only way to keep in force the prohibition is to present specific reasons for sanitary-office Protecting animal rights.
article republic
Outlaws signs "I can not enter." The revenge of the four-legged friends part from Corno d'Adda, near Milan, where the mayor signed an order pdl Fabio Quadri opens the doors of public houses and transport dogs and cats. And for those who do not adapt, fines of up to 500 €. The only exceptions are: schools and hospitals, places deemed sensitive.
"I also have a dog and I think this is a choice of common sense - says the mayor - in most European countries is a rule in force for some time." At a coffee bar or restaurant, in the municipal offices, between the supermarket aisles or on the bus to get from one side of the city, the most faithful friend of man will always be beside their master. Remains mandatory for all the leash and a muzzle for breeds considered dangerous.
block in hand, next week will turn the local police to enforce the order. Fines from 25 to 500 € for violations. Sets penalties for those salty dogs and cats on display, also prohibited by this new regulation. Separate chapter are the residences for the elderly, where the entry of domestic animals are allowed only if the owner is a guest of the hotel.
But behind the decision is also an economic calculation. The administration has focused on the strong revival of tourism, and city hotels and bed & breakfasts are opening on every corner. "Banning the entry of dogs in these facilities would be like pulling in the foot. So instead incentivize the industry and all related activities. I hope that neighboring communities agree to adopt this measure, "says Diamond.
other side of the fence dealers, many of whom have already expressed their disappointment. For them, the only way to keep in force the prohibition is to present specific reasons for sanitary-office Protecting animal rights.
article republic
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Edorado Stoppa goes to check the conditions of the kennel in Alba Adriatica
Service Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Edoardo Stoppa goes to visit the shelter in Alba Adriatica (Teramo) after the flood of recent days
Service Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Edoardo Stoppa goes to visit the shelter in Alba Adriatica (Teramo) after the flood of recent days
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Mayor Druzstevnej (Slovakia): stray dogs and cats to feed to the Roma community
groups of animals Slovaks would rightly make the skin to the Slovak mayor who tried to solve the stray dog \u200b\u200bproblem by allowing the Roma to eat them.
Andrej Sabol, Mayor of Druzstevnej Hornad first (which is in Slovakia and not in Korea) has admitted Security officials have allowed the animals to hunt the local Roma community (which is normally forbidden) cats and dogs in order to reduce their number.
Sabol had also upheld the human rights activists arguing that "the large number of stray dogs is a problem, but I'm proud to have found a solution and found that the Roma eat them. Then let them take them for free. "
The Mayor is convinced that his idea has merit because "people will always complain about the growing number of stray dogs. But to collect them and keep them in kennels coast. This is a solution satisfactory to all. " The protests by animal rights activists, the mayor replica che ”i cani non votano per me ma la gente si. E la gente mi chiede di proteggerli dai cani randagi. Per essere onesti, questa gente li mangerebbe comunque, facendo così li aiutiamo”.
La portavoce della società per la protezione degli animali, Romana Serfelova, ha replicato: “sappiamo che molte comunità hanno problemi coi cani randagi, ma questa non è una soluzione”.Per questo motivo, a nome suo (mio e dell’umanità) ha chiesto la cacciata del sindaco Sabol e la sua incriminazione per crudeltà contro gli animali, sulla base della norma che vieta l’uso alimentare degli animali domestici.
Per qualcuno siamo troppo teneri, ma Sabol non se lo mangerebbero even the gypsies, for fear of nightmares by Jan Slota and his friends nationalists.
groups of animals Slovaks would rightly make the skin to the Slovak mayor who tried to solve the stray dog \u200b\u200bproblem by allowing the Roma to eat them.
Andrej Sabol, Mayor of Druzstevnej Hornad first (which is in Slovakia and not in Korea) has admitted Security officials have allowed the animals to hunt the local Roma community (which is normally forbidden) cats and dogs in order to reduce their number.
Sabol had also upheld the human rights activists arguing that "the large number of stray dogs is a problem, but I'm proud to have found a solution and found that the Roma eat them. Then let them take them for free. "
The Mayor is convinced that his idea has merit because "people will always complain about the growing number of stray dogs. But to collect them and keep them in kennels coast. This is a solution satisfactory to all. " The protests by animal rights activists, the mayor replica che ”i cani non votano per me ma la gente si. E la gente mi chiede di proteggerli dai cani randagi. Per essere onesti, questa gente li mangerebbe comunque, facendo così li aiutiamo”.
La portavoce della società per la protezione degli animali, Romana Serfelova, ha replicato: “sappiamo che molte comunità hanno problemi coi cani randagi, ma questa non è una soluzione”.Per questo motivo, a nome suo (mio e dell’umanità) ha chiesto la cacciata del sindaco Sabol e la sua incriminazione per crudeltà contro gli animali, sulla base della norma che vieta l’uso alimentare degli animali domestici.
Per qualcuno siamo troppo teneri, ma Sabol non se lo mangerebbero even the gypsies, for fear of nightmares by Jan Slota and his friends nationalists.
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Florence, kills his dog and eats
FLORENCE - He killed the dog of his sister, he has dissected, then ate it, the feet were even as pickled hams . The absurd and awful discovery was made in a shed at the foot of a hill in Florence by the guards of the National Animal Protection zoophilic. A 23 year old Italian has been charged with mistreatment and killing of animals, faces up to three years in prison.
Investigations agents, taken following reports of some a group on Facebook, with the theme of animals. "Flaying dogs is ethically permissible? My dog \u200b\u200bkills goats and chickens. Then I made the decision more grim: I killed him, I stripped naked and hung like a rabbit. " Atrocious sentences, those written by the young denounced traced after a few hours by the volunteers of the ENP, which, in an abandoned farmhouse at the foot of the hills of Florence, occupied by a group of homeless people, found themselves in front of a creepy scene .
The dog named "Cola", a fine example of a course of about 50 pounds, had been entrusted to the young man's sister, but the 23 year old reported killed him after a few hours and has stretched the skin of attaccandola alle doghe di un letto. Quando, domenica scorsa, le guardie zoofile sono arrivate nel casolare, da tempo occupato abusivamente da giovani senza fissa dimora, hanno notato la testa e la pelle di un cane, appena scuoiate, appese a pali e staccionate: all’interno c’erano cosci e altre parti dell’ animale. Tutto è stato sequestrato. «In 30 anni di attività a difesa degli animali non abbiamo mai visto una cosa del genere», raccontano Simone Porzio e Alessandro Quercioli, rispettivamente presidente e capo delle guardie zoofile di Enpa Firenze. Un caso talmente agghiacciante, che, proprio per preservare l’incolumità del denunciato da possibili vendette da parte degli animalisti, sui dati anagrafici the young and the resort of the macabre discovery applies the strictest confidentiality.
During the search, the guards have also found three Cosci animal, that had reported they were cured as a ham. "I ate that, the meat is good and tasty, has an aroma of truffle" admitted the young man as if nothing had happened. Then he said he killed his dog "for dying after a car accident," whereas the ENPA is satisfied that the dog was killed by strangulation. The prosecutor now investigating to determine whether the violence have also participated in other people. For 23-year-old has taken just one complaint for mistreatment and killing of animals, but now faces up to three years in prison.
source: photos from the web-
FLORENCE - He killed the dog of his sister, he has dissected, then ate it, the feet were even as pickled hams . The absurd and awful discovery was made in a shed at the foot of a hill in Florence by the guards of the National Animal Protection zoophilic. A 23 year old Italian has been charged with mistreatment and killing of animals, faces up to three years in prison.
Investigations agents, taken following reports of some a group on Facebook, with the theme of animals. "Flaying dogs is ethically permissible? My dog \u200b\u200bkills goats and chickens. Then I made the decision more grim: I killed him, I stripped naked and hung like a rabbit. " Atrocious sentences, those written by the young denounced traced after a few hours by the volunteers of the ENP, which, in an abandoned farmhouse at the foot of the hills of Florence, occupied by a group of homeless people, found themselves in front of a creepy scene .
The dog named "Cola", a fine example of a course of about 50 pounds, had been entrusted to the young man's sister, but the 23 year old reported killed him after a few hours and has stretched the skin of attaccandola alle doghe di un letto. Quando, domenica scorsa, le guardie zoofile sono arrivate nel casolare, da tempo occupato abusivamente da giovani senza fissa dimora, hanno notato la testa e la pelle di un cane, appena scuoiate, appese a pali e staccionate: all’interno c’erano cosci e altre parti dell’ animale. Tutto è stato sequestrato. «In 30 anni di attività a difesa degli animali non abbiamo mai visto una cosa del genere», raccontano Simone Porzio e Alessandro Quercioli, rispettivamente presidente e capo delle guardie zoofile di Enpa Firenze. Un caso talmente agghiacciante, che, proprio per preservare l’incolumità del denunciato da possibili vendette da parte degli animalisti, sui dati anagrafici the young and the resort of the macabre discovery applies the strictest confidentiality.
During the search, the guards have also found three Cosci animal, that had reported they were cured as a ham. "I ate that, the meat is good and tasty, has an aroma of truffle" admitted the young man as if nothing had happened. Then he said he killed his dog "for dying after a car accident," whereas the ENPA is satisfied that the dog was killed by strangulation. The prosecutor now investigating to determine whether the violence have also participated in other people. For 23-year-old has taken just one complaint for mistreatment and killing of animals, but now faces up to three years in prison.
source: photos from the web-
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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who mistreats an animal, often mistreated women and children
Recent studies published in the U.S. and Spain, show that violence sowing only violence, and there is a direct relationship between animal cruelty and the damage to your household. Professor Pagani - researcher of the CNR - emphasizes how children can be violent with animals in their turn of abused children, this means that within certain family is a system of coercion and systematic cruelty of the child in turn vents with those who are weaker than him. These signals are often not carefully considered important and sometimes ignored. To this should be reported cases of abuse on animals and are considered to be the important signals of distress of an issue in the broader spectrum within a family, where they are at risk not only animals, but all most fragile component: women and children. Dr. Sorcinelli - Italy-Link project leader pointed out that in the U.S. since the 70s to now - since the phenomenon has been investigated in our country - more than 70% of abused women reported that aguzzini in ambito domestico hanno minacciato di ferire i loro animali o lo hanno poi fatto; che più del 30% delle madri maltrattate ha segnalato analoghi comportamenti messi in atto dai loro a danno degli animali domestici. Tra il 25% e il 50% delle donne maltrattate in ambito familiare non si allontana da casa, anche per timore che i loro animali possano essere vittime della violenza, mentre il 40% delle donne riferisce di essere stata costretta a partecipare ad atti sessuali con animali – scrive ancora Sorcinelli -. Il 50% degli stupratori ha commesso atti di crudeltà verso gli animali da bambino o da adolescente mentre il 30% dei pedofili ha commesso atti di crudeltà verso animali. Negli Stati Uniti le agenzie di protezione degli animali hanno segnalato The existence of a close correlation between the abuse of animals and those against children denounce the mistreatment of animals is therefore an act of civilization that is not limited to law and respect for all animals, but has its effect also on the whole family environment in which the living affirmation of violence.
(press Enpa, March 8)
Recent studies published in the U.S. and Spain, show that violence sowing only violence, and there is a direct relationship between animal cruelty and the damage to your household. Professor Pagani - researcher of the CNR - emphasizes how children can be violent with animals in their turn of abused children, this means that within certain family is a system of coercion and systematic cruelty of the child in turn vents with those who are weaker than him. These signals are often not carefully considered important and sometimes ignored. To this should be reported cases of abuse on animals and are considered to be the important signals of distress of an issue in the broader spectrum within a family, where they are at risk not only animals, but all most fragile component: women and children. Dr. Sorcinelli - Italy-Link project leader pointed out that in the U.S. since the 70s to now - since the phenomenon has been investigated in our country - more than 70% of abused women reported that aguzzini in ambito domestico hanno minacciato di ferire i loro animali o lo hanno poi fatto; che più del 30% delle madri maltrattate ha segnalato analoghi comportamenti messi in atto dai loro a danno degli animali domestici. Tra il 25% e il 50% delle donne maltrattate in ambito familiare non si allontana da casa, anche per timore che i loro animali possano essere vittime della violenza, mentre il 40% delle donne riferisce di essere stata costretta a partecipare ad atti sessuali con animali – scrive ancora Sorcinelli -. Il 50% degli stupratori ha commesso atti di crudeltà verso gli animali da bambino o da adolescente mentre il 30% dei pedofili ha commesso atti di crudeltà verso animali. Negli Stati Uniti le agenzie di protezione degli animali hanno segnalato The existence of a close correlation between the abuse of animals and those against children denounce the mistreatment of animals is therefore an act of civilization that is not limited to law and respect for all animals, but has its effect also on the whole family environment in which the living affirmation of violence.
(press Enpa, March 8)
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dog annoys me, beat Romanian and also attacks the master
E' rimasto vittima di una feroce aggressione mentre passeggiava con il suo cane tenuto al guinzaglio sul marciapiede di ponte Cavour, in pieno centro. A scatenare la violenza contro un cittadino polacco è bastato il semplice ringhio del suo cane diretto a un romeno che era seduto sul parapetto del ponte. L'uomo, prima ha preso a calci l'animale, poi ha colpito il polacco in pieno volto. Il pugno ha fatto cadere l'uomo facendogli battere violentemente il capo contro l'asfalto. Era ancora privo dei sensi quando lo hanno soccorso gli agenti del gruppo pronto intervento traffico della Municipale.
Il fatto risale a due settimane fa, ma l'uomo attualmente è ancora ricoverato presso the intensive care unit of the Gemelli Hospital in serious condition and in danger of dying. From now on the staff directed by the master Massimo Fanelli has put in search of items that could be traced to the identification of the aggressor. The epilogue of the story four days ago, when the Rumanian citizen, a homeless, was arrested as a suspect in the murder and transferred to Regina Coeli. The validation has confirmed the hearing on remand in prison because it was deemed dangerous person.
The attack two weeks ago. The man is still hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Gemelli Hospital in serious condition. Falling, he violently beat his head sull'asfalto.
Il fatto risale a due settimane fa, ma l'uomo attualmente è ancora ricoverato presso the intensive care unit of the Gemelli Hospital in serious condition and in danger of dying. From now on the staff directed by the master Massimo Fanelli has put in search of items that could be traced to the identification of the aggressor. The epilogue of the story four days ago, when the Rumanian citizen, a homeless, was arrested as a suspect in the murder and transferred to Regina Coeli. The validation has confirmed the hearing on remand in prison because it was deemed dangerous person.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Indiana in the house with 15 dead dogs in the freezer, arrested 62enne
Lake County, Indiana.
Police found 15 dead dogs inside a freezer in a 'home in Lowell and 19 others around the house. Despite wearing hazmat suits, goggles and rubber boots, knee high, workers were met by the stench when they opened the door. Inside they found heaps of garbage, overturned furniture and pillows to shreds. The police took the rescued animals still alive 62 years while the owner was at work as explained by the Sheriff's Department spokesman Cmdr. Robert, on her burden 's charges of cruelty to animals. The animals seemed scared but in good condition, apart from someone with probable scabies.
The police waited three weeks to prepare the rescue came after the close of the reporting that smelling and pointing out the owner who seems to spend his nights sleeping in her car, raising the dogs inside the house and selling the puppies.
The neighbor Dawn Martin said that his children could not play in the yard and could not eat outside because of the stench coming from next door. "I have never seen a case so severe," said Deputy Sheriff Michelle Weaver, which deals with animal cruelty situations by eight years.
The woman was arrested
Lake County, Indiana.
Police found 15 dead dogs inside a freezer in a 'home in Lowell and 19 others around the house. Despite wearing hazmat suits, goggles and rubber boots, knee high, workers were met by the stench when they opened the door. Inside they found heaps of garbage, overturned furniture and pillows to shreds. The police took the rescued animals still alive 62 years while the owner was at work as explained by the Sheriff's Department spokesman Cmdr. Robert, on her burden 's charges of cruelty to animals. The animals seemed scared but in good condition, apart from someone with probable scabies.
The police waited three weeks to prepare the rescue came after the close of the reporting that smelling and pointing out the owner who seems to spend his nights sleeping in her car, raising the dogs inside the house and selling the puppies.
The neighbor Dawn Martin said that his children could not play in the yard and could not eat outside because of the stench coming from next door. "I have never seen a case so severe," said Deputy Sheriff Michelle Weaver, which deals with animal cruelty situations by eight years.
The woman was arrested
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In Romania, again the extermination of stray dog \u200b\u200b
The animal welfare groups protested outside the House of the People in Bucharest Monday, March 7 afternoon, during the session Parliament's plenary session, starting at 15.00.
vote in Parliament a law to allow municipalities to kill the dogs. Here
this press release the association "Save the dogs", che da molti anni lavora per salvare i cani randagi in Romania.
Martedì 8 marzo il Parlamento Romeno deciderà se approvare un provvedimento che cancella con un colpo di spugna la Legge 9/2008 e dà la possibilità ai sindaci di massacrare legalmente centinaia di migliaia di cani randagi. Se la legge venisse approvata - e le chance sono altissime poiché la proposta è sostenuta non solo dal partito di maggioranza del Presidente Basescu (PDL) ma anche da molti esponenti dell'opposizione - sarebbero condannati a morte i 2 milioni di randagi wandering on the territory of Romania.
In the face of public pressure - already suffering from a dramatic economic crisis and the recent scandal of Customs - the Parliament seems to have turned their backs on a law that was passed almost unanimously by the members Romania three years ago. In addition to allowing auditors to eliminate stray dogs, the law has other aspects that the voluntary sector and civil society considers unconstitutional. These include a ban on non-profit organization to go into public kennels to ensure the management and the severe limitations to the adoption of dogs in the structures.
Among the major supporters of the proposal is Elena Udrea, Minister of Development and Tourism very close to the President who has accused animal welfare groups have no interest in resolving the problem of stray dogs and endemic to hinder the authorities. "The Minister Udrea says it wants to import the model in the U.S. - said the President of Save the Dogs Sara Turek - where abandoned dogs are deleted after two weeks, but forget the fundamental differences between the American and Romanian situation. WHO - Turek continues - has repeatedly pointed out that the endemic problem of stray animals is not resolved by the removal of dogs from the territory but only with plans for mass vaccination and sterilization by means of animal identification and property. never Measures implemented by the Romanian authorities. The slogan Minister Udrea 'Enter The Carpatian Garden' - concludes Turek - will soon become a paradoxical call for tourists to walk among the corpses of thousands of stray dogs. "The animal welfare groups protested outside the House of the People in Bucharest Monday, March 7 afternoon, during the session Parliament's plenary session, starting at 15.00.
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drowned with a millstone around the neck
They've tied a millstone around the neck and threw him into the canal. Only days after the body, now in an advanced state decomposition, has returned to the surface. And so the passers-by called the police.
The poor animal was recovered from the cemetery services, the soldiers of the mind would seek to trace the perpetrators of such a gesture. We currently investigate aggravated killing of animals.
do not know if the dog-type fighter, a bloodhound, was killed before being thrown into the water or whether his - or her - the murderer has sentenced drowning.
You can not even trace the owner, since the microchip under the skin of the animal is now unusable due to muddy water that has damaged.
source: - photo footage
They've tied a millstone around the neck and threw him into the canal. Only days after the body, now in an advanced state decomposition, has returned to the surface. And so the passers-by called the police.
The poor animal was recovered from the cemetery services, the soldiers of the mind would seek to trace the perpetrators of such a gesture. We currently investigate aggravated killing of animals.
do not know if the dog-type fighter, a bloodhound, was killed before being thrown into the water or whether his - or her - the murderer has sentenced drowning.
You can not even trace the owner, since the microchip under the skin of the animal is now unusable due to muddy water that has damaged.
source: - photo footage
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Palmi, dog in bad condition and chain, reported 73enne
A senior Palmi, AA, aged 73, owner of a dog breed of Maremma, has been denounced by the provincial command of the State Forestry Corps of Reggio, for maltreatment. The man, as ascertained by the agents, kept their animals in poor hygienic - sanitary and tied to a large chain of private and then be able to move properly. The intervention of the agents followed a report came to the exchange of environmental emergency in 1515 by some voluntary association of animal rights. Agents, which intervened in the locality of Marinella di Palmi, a veterinarian with the provincial health company, have seen the poor conditions of health and nutrition as well as the poor maintenance from the hygienic point of view of the animal.
A senior Palmi, AA, aged 73, owner of a dog breed of Maremma, has been denounced by the provincial command of the State Forestry Corps of Reggio, for maltreatment. The man, as ascertained by the agents, kept their animals in poor hygienic - sanitary and tied to a large chain of private and then be able to move properly. The intervention of the agents followed a report came to the exchange of environmental emergency in 1515 by some voluntary association of animal rights. Agents, which intervened in the locality of Marinella di Palmi, a veterinarian with the provincial health company, have seen the poor conditions of health and nutrition as well as the poor maintenance from the hygienic point of view of the animal.
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Carnival Ronciglione, empty runs, breaking news Tuscia - belonged to a team of ward Montecavallo Ronciglione, the horse who died yesterday during qualifying for free travel carnival. The animal is going to crash into a barrier in the central square of the ship, frozen under the gaze of the public.
The incident only serves to rekindle a long series of controversies for years are flashing Italy, because of numerous deaths of horses and jockeys in the traditional Italian poles on trails unsuitable. The free travel Ronciglione is a traditional horse race, now in use only Ronciglione, where the horses are routed on a path established riderless. The first race with the horses so-called "shaken" is no news as early as 1373 in Siena.
protests by animal rights activists, this type of racing in particular, have always existed, but they are reinforced in the nineties due to the doping of horses and the consequent continuous increase in accidents. The main cause of accidents is due to conditions unsuitable for racing. The modern road, in fact, significantly increases the risk of slipping and falling to the animals.
La Corsa a vuoto di Ronciglione avrebbe dovuto essere soppressa già da tempo. Solo le continue deroghe concesse dalla Regione Lazio e dal ministero della Salute, hanno fatto sì che il palio continuasse a svolgersi. Al momento, in seguito all'incidente di ieri, le corse di qualificazione sono state interrotte, mettendo in discussione anche la finale di martedì grasso.
Già nel gennaio 2011, l'agenzia GEAPRESS riporta che i consiglieri della Regione Lazio, Rodolfo Gigli (UDC), Francesco Battistoni (Pdl) e Giuseppe Parroncini (PD), proposero una legge per il riconoscimento storico del Palio di Roncilione che ha come conseguenza, l’assoluta mancanza protection of horses that could hurt or even die during the race and the impunity of the organizers of the competitions.
Carnival Ronciglione, empty runs, breaking news Tuscia - belonged to a team of ward Montecavallo Ronciglione, the horse who died yesterday during qualifying for free travel carnival. The animal is going to crash into a barrier in the central square of the ship, frozen under the gaze of the public.
The incident only serves to rekindle a long series of controversies for years are flashing Italy, because of numerous deaths of horses and jockeys in the traditional Italian poles on trails unsuitable. The free travel Ronciglione is a traditional horse race, now in use only Ronciglione, where the horses are routed on a path established riderless. The first race with the horses so-called "shaken" is no news as early as 1373 in Siena.
protests by animal rights activists, this type of racing in particular, have always existed, but they are reinforced in the nineties due to the doping of horses and the consequent continuous increase in accidents. The main cause of accidents is due to conditions unsuitable for racing. The modern road, in fact, significantly increases the risk of slipping and falling to the animals.
La Corsa a vuoto di Ronciglione avrebbe dovuto essere soppressa già da tempo. Solo le continue deroghe concesse dalla Regione Lazio e dal ministero della Salute, hanno fatto sì che il palio continuasse a svolgersi. Al momento, in seguito all'incidente di ieri, le corse di qualificazione sono state interrotte, mettendo in discussione anche la finale di martedì grasso.
Già nel gennaio 2011, l'agenzia GEAPRESS riporta che i consiglieri della Regione Lazio, Rodolfo Gigli (UDC), Francesco Battistoni (Pdl) e Giuseppe Parroncini (PD), proposero una legge per il riconoscimento storico del Palio di Roncilione che ha come conseguenza, l’assoluta mancanza protection of horses that could hurt or even die during the race and the impunity of the organizers of the competitions.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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invested, left dying in the street and ignored by passers
Parliamo di un gatto, e di un caso emblematico sollevato dalla Lega antivivisezione (Lav) di Brescia. Nonostante le cure l'animale sta rischiando grosso, e se si salverà avrà bisogno di un costoso intervento chirurgico. E adesso la sezione, oltre a stigmatizzare l'indifferenza dimostrata da molti concittadini, chiede l'aiuto di chi ha visto per rintracciare l'investitore. Anche grazie alla Lav, infatti, da qualche mese il Codice della strada prevede sanzioni pesanti, fino a 1.559 euro, per chi non soccorre gli animali d'affezione, da reddito o protetti dopo un incidente. Le segnalazioni possono essere inviate al 331-4539565, e nel frattempo the association hopes to come forward even if the owner of the cat: an adult male with his hair orange with some white patches.
via facebook Unfortunately we learn that the cat does not have it done and died.
BRESCIA - March 4, 2011
Before it was hit by a motorists who violate the law did not help him, then was injured for hours beside the road, ignored by passers-by in a crowded area (via Schivardi, in the civil hospital). Finally, fortunately, a person has collected e portato da un veterinario. Parliamo di un gatto, e di un caso emblematico sollevato dalla Lega antivivisezione (Lav) di Brescia. Nonostante le cure l'animale sta rischiando grosso, e se si salverà avrà bisogno di un costoso intervento chirurgico. E adesso la sezione, oltre a stigmatizzare l'indifferenza dimostrata da molti concittadini, chiede l'aiuto di chi ha visto per rintracciare l'investitore. Anche grazie alla Lav, infatti, da qualche mese il Codice della strada prevede sanzioni pesanti, fino a 1.559 euro, per chi non soccorre gli animali d'affezione, da reddito o protetti dopo un incidente. Le segnalazioni possono essere inviate al 331-4539565, e nel frattempo the association hopes to come forward even if the owner of the cat: an adult male with his hair orange with some white patches.
via facebook Unfortunately we learn that the cat does not have it done and died.
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Castellamare, dogs and cats vanish into thin air?
Castellammare (NA). Dogs and cats who vanish into thin air. Strays that do not leave tracks in the area of \u200b\u200borigin, neighborhood or street that is. The nightmare of trafficking in the city hovers Stabia. The complaint animal rights association Adda is that for twenty years dealing with animals abandoned on the territory, and who have long known that the call does not return the four-legged friends in the usual areas of meeting. "It is not the first time that we point a finger at practice, probably, even in our district has taken on the contours of a business - said Rosaria Boccaccini, president of the institution - that is to cheat people by telling of adoptions in the North, subtracting litters or animals too old, or taken at night from the streets and selling them in other regions for vivisection or other. A serious problem - concluded the animal - perhaps deserves more attention from the authorities and institutions, as well which of us non-profit organizations, already struggling, and not just to raise funds and people willing to help out with the dogs and cats without homes. " The alarm sounded from the Adda, is the latest in a long series. There is concern also online, on Facebook. "How is it possible that there are many stalls in the North, right there when the kennels are often camps or shelters to collapse - you ask a user virtual - the doubt is that this poor little things end up in vans at night, no microchip, weak , tired, exhausted ready to laboratories or other unscrupulous. " The echoes another boy: "We need controls, sterilization of stray dogs, the commitment of municipalities to which they belong." "If we want the livability - concludes the spokesman Adda Boccaccini - if we are living, we must also start our four-legged friends who are just looking a bit 'of affection and families willing to care for them, as well as our volunteers are ready everything for them. Therefore I appeal again to the City because it makes you feel, put in place a plan to work side by side without wasting time and save our strays at risk journeys of hope. "
source: Li morning
Castellammare (NA). Dogs and cats who vanish into thin air. Strays that do not leave tracks in the area of \u200b\u200borigin, neighborhood or street that is. The nightmare of trafficking in the city hovers Stabia. The complaint animal rights association Adda is that for twenty years dealing with animals abandoned on the territory, and who have long known that the call does not return the four-legged friends in the usual areas of meeting. "It is not the first time that we point a finger at practice, probably, even in our district has taken on the contours of a business - said Rosaria Boccaccini, president of the institution - that is to cheat people by telling of adoptions in the North, subtracting litters or animals too old, or taken at night from the streets and selling them in other regions for vivisection or other. A serious problem - concluded the animal - perhaps deserves more attention from the authorities and institutions, as well which of us non-profit organizations, already struggling, and not just to raise funds and people willing to help out with the dogs and cats without homes. " The alarm sounded from the Adda, is the latest in a long series. There is concern also online, on Facebook. "How is it possible that there are many stalls in the North, right there when the kennels are often camps or shelters to collapse - you ask a user virtual - the doubt is that this poor little things end up in vans at night, no microchip, weak , tired, exhausted ready to laboratories or other unscrupulous. " The echoes another boy: "We need controls, sterilization of stray dogs, the commitment of municipalities to which they belong." "If we want the livability - concludes the spokesman Adda Boccaccini - if we are living, we must also start our four-legged friends who are just looking a bit 'of affection and families willing to care for them, as well as our volunteers are ready everything for them. Therefore I appeal again to the City because it makes you feel, put in place a plan to work side by side without wasting time and save our strays at risk journeys of hope. "
source: Li morning
Friday, March 4, 2011
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