Monday, May 18, 2009

Wording For Congratulations On Engagement

features photos and video of

Make a donation and the proceeds will be 'used to vaccinate Care and Feeding stray dogs or stray

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a breed of dogs, of Italian origin. The History

lagotto recently recognized as a breed (year 2005 in Buenos Aires), is actually a very old breed, already present in the sixteenth century in romagna, although there are paintings, which depicts a dog on the characteristics of lagotto , XIV century. Initially used as a retriever in water, is now the only breed of dog specializing in search of truffles. Description

medium-small sized dog with good proportions and looks strong, robust and rustic at the same time. The particular aesthetics that characterizes it is curly and woolly on the whole body including the head.

Initially available only in Romagna, there are now farms throughout Italy and abroad.


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