follows from this strain of dog leads and herdsmen in the West from the East came in the wake of nomads and their herds. Given the widespread grazing, the ancestors of the Bergamasco Shepherd found in the Alpine area an ideal area to better express their attitudes. Since 1300 has established the use of this dog as a conductor of a typical sheep Bergamo. In the four centuries that followed, the Bergamasco Shepherd has seen a good increase with the expansion of sheep farming. After 1700, however, following a gradual reduction of the pastoral, this dog knows the moments of real crisis, up to near extinction during the two World Wars. The first selective intervention is initiated by the Marquis Paul Cornaggia around 1890. The dog then is still called "Mountain Dog". In 1949 he founded the Company Bergamasco Shepherd lovers. A few years later finally reach the official standard. Description
The tail is left attached to the last third of the croup, thick and strong at root, tapering towards the tip. It is covered with goat hair slightly wavy. The colors are allowed on display every shade of black (not shiny) even in the gray spots. The color must be determined from the root of the hair, because the felting part of woolly tufts generated in different shades of color, even in dogs isabella gray. The coat is very abundant, long and varied: rough texture (goat) on the front half of the trunk, woolly (sheep) in strands on the other half, less harsh on the head. The eyes are large, more or less dark brown, with slightly oval eyelid. Ears: set high, semipendenti, triangular and co the last two thirds falling. The length of the snout equals that of the skull. As a whole is large and shaped parallelepiped. The skull is broad and slightly convex between the ears. The feet are oval in shape with toes well arched and closed.
Character With temperament, obedient and sensitive, a dog is very versatile: its ability to learn and to decide it, along with the innate patience, make it a dog suitable for several uses. In the family identifies the flock, or at least the community, which likes to keep the United States. It's a great companion / guardian for the children, whom he considered or otherwise weaker cubs to defend. Although it is not very protective but never morbidly possessive. It is never aggressive even though it is a good guardian of the house, with an effective deterrent activities without ever becoming dangerous.
Cure is a country dog, does not require very little care from the owner. Particular attention should be paid only upon the formation of curls, when you need to untangle the hair with your hands to promote their natural assemblage.
A major limitation to the spread of the Shepherd Bergamasco is the large mass of hair that is feared could become a repository of odors. Experts point out that the hair of the race may emanate bad smell, but only if the dog is locked up in confined spaces such as box or kennels, with no opportunity to roam outdoors. It is therefore very important that this dog has the ability to move and walk to the green. Contrary to popular belief the Shepherd Bergamasco can be washed every volta è necessario. Particolare cura e attenzione è da rivolgere però alla fase del risciacquo e dell'asciugatura che richiede parecchio tempo. Le femmine tendono più facilmente a formare i caratteristici boccoli a causa del pelo più lanoso, specie se la tosatura non viene effettuata almeno una volta l'anno. Il pelo del muso e di tutta la parte anteriore, nonché dell'area ano-genitale va pettinata frequentemente per evitare la formazione di feltri e del conseguente ristagno di materiale organico, fonte di cattivi odori. Si consiglia di tosare il cane, quando il pelo inizia a formare i boccoli vicino alla pelle, i quali formeranno nodi molto difficili da sciogliere e dolorosi per l'animale. Un'altra accortezza rimane quella di non sfoltirlo too on the nose and above the eyes, in some specimens rather delicate.
Download the guide on how to train and educate your Pastore Bergamasco. With a free donation (1 euro or 50 cents if you want) you can download directly to your computer owner's manual in digital format, ready to use.
Please note that the proceeds will be donated to animal shelters listed on our blog, donate a meal to an abandoned dog.
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