Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why Am I Craving Parsley

Tizzy search home


Tizzy was found by one of our volunteers are early October 2010.
From up there the visually impaired, has been visited by several veterinarians, but to get a diagnosis system, which we brought to a clinic in the province of Bologna, specializing in ophthalmology.
E 'born with a malformation ... bilateral action we see very little and must continually take the drops to keep eyes moist, at least 4 times a day. We are looking for
Tizzy a special family who can love him and follow him in his next cure.Va agree with cats and / or dogs. At Home
behaves like any cat, the litter is inhabited and has no problem situations.
We also seek a contribution to pay for veterinary visits and examinations specialist that we had to do to understand completely the situation.

Tizzy's life goes to great, take its eye drops 4 times a day, playing, having fun with both balls and stuffed with fellow adults.
eats like a pig, it adapts well to the homes of volunteers who take turns keeping him stalled. It 'been vaccinated.
On February 21 there will be a final visit and find out if Tizzi can be operated. We look forward to the banquet
adoptions on Saturday afternoon at the mall Fattoria.Per info 349.6300101 Tatiana


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