PETS: CHILDREN OF 7 YEARS snapped up by a dog, a long trail of blood / PREVIOUS
Parma, 18 mar. - (Adnkronos) - Still an attack by a dog.
This time a child of 7 years, and that this afternoon 'was bitten by a dog's family in Parma. The small, 'the animal was wounded in the head, face and neck. Immediate call to 118, which has helped the small and taken to hospital. Only yesterday a German tourist and 'was attacked by a pack of stray dogs in the province of Ragusa, where three days ago a boy of 10 years of Modica and' died from serious injuries after being attacked in a fraction of the near Scicli. The German tourist, aged 24, only through the intervention of the Carabinieri and some passers-by and 'managed to escape the worst. Seriously injured in different parts of the body, woman 'was transferred to hospital in Catania.
Last Sunday was also injured another child of 9 years, while a man of 45 years he also attacked by a pack of stray dogs had been medicated in the hospital in Pozzallo, Ragusa always. On 3 March, then another 'attack' occurred always in Sicily Carini, a small town of Palermo, where 80-year old woman was surrounded by a bunch. The woman was rescued by a squad of Carabinieri, not without difficulty 'had been able to hunt animals. But here are some of the previous attacks:
- February 15, 2009: At Genzano, located in the Castelli Romani, a child of one year and 'was killed by a Neapolitan mastiff while he was in the garden with her mother and grandmother. Useless relief in hospital for the little there 'was nothing to do and his grandmother was injured in an attempt to save it.
- February 5, 2009: A Livorno a woman 28 years his face is disfigured by his pit bull, which bites as she was feeding. The dog suddenly bit the lady's cheek and nose.
- December 29, 2009: A girl aged 18 was attacked by a dog in the parking lot of a shopping center in Trieste. The girl is attacked ear and then to the arm and hand while trying to pet it. Hospitalized for investigation, has 60-day prognosis.
- November 10, 2008: A man of 60 years is attacked and killed by a Rottweiler in San Giovanni Teatino (Chieti). The victim, a worker is working in a garden adjoining the house where the dog when it attacked and killed by the animal.
- November 7, 2008: A Vittorio Veneto (Treviso), an entrepreneur of 55 years ends up in hospital, hospitalized in serious condition after being bitten while in the arms and torso by his dogs. (Continued)
October 4, 2008: In Benevento a child of 9 years is probably devoured by wild dogs and found dead in a pool of blood near his home in the district of the town of Circleville Campanaro. The cause of death of the child, as assessed by the medical examiner, who has a bite to the neck severed the jugular.
- September 10, 2008: A 12 year old girl in Rubiera, a municipality in the province of Reggio Emilia, is attacked and bitten by two Dobermans. 118 rescued from the staff of the teenager was transported to hospital where he was discharged with a prognosis of eight days for deep wounds to the neck and left leg.
- July 31, 2008: A 9 year old boy is attacked by a pit bull in Guidonia, near Rome, while he is at the home of some friends.
- May 6, 2008: Paola Palmieri, 61, dies in house torn from his dog, a pitbull in Pontecagnano (Salerno)
- May 3, 2008: Bari A man was injured while trying to defend his dog (a chow chow), taking regularly on a leash, by the aggression of a large pit bull. The victim, transported to the emergency room of the Hospital 'Di Venere', is considered curable in 7 days.
- April 5, 2008: In Palermo, a 11 year old boy is attacked by the pitbull in the house owned by 'the father and was wounded in the arm and groin
- March 13, 2008: A Nuoro a child of three years is savaged to head injuries by bringing a Rottweiller considered curable in 30 days.
- March 4, 2008: A Caltagirone, in the province of Catania, a child of four years is bitten by a rottweiler as a gift to his father eighteen months ago. The dog's teeth severed the jugular from outside, but fortunately did not reach the trachea and carotid artery.
- January 30, 2008: In Bologna, a pit bull, incited by the owner, attacks a police officer, who fired a pistol shot. The agent is taken to the St. Ursula and the dog, wounded, is brought to the emergency room for pets via Polese.
- September 3, 2007: A fourteen of Acre, in the province of Cosenza, is attacked by a pit bull in the leg seriously injured.
- April 10, 2007: In Bologna, a girl of two years was savaged by a dog in the late afternoon Vigatto, a village a few kilometers from the capital. The small 'a trip with their parents to spend a day of celebration. The animal, a male half-breed shepherd FONNESE that's with a female of the same razza nel retro dell'esercizio, azzanna al cranio la bambina lacerandole il cuoio capelluto e provocandole una forte emorragia. La bimba, con lesioni giudicate gravi, viene trasferita in ospedale con un'ambulanza del 118
- 5 MARZO 2007: A Bologna una donna viene aggredita da un pitbull mentre cerca di difendere il figlio di 8 anni che a sua volta si e' lanciato in soccorso del gatto preso di mira dai cani.
Protagonista della brutta avventura una polacca di 39 anni, moglie del custode della facolta' di Psicologia dell'Universita' di Bologna situata in via Filippo Re, che viene azzannata alla gamba e al braccio.
- 11 FEBBRAIO 2007: A Milano un bambino di 8 anni viene aggredito da un cane a Garbagnate nel milanese. Soccorso, and 'transported Niguarda hospital in Milan where he undergoes an operation.
- February 1, 2007: In Turin, a girl of 11 years of Sri Lankan origin and 'attacked by a dog in a Belgirate villa on Lake Maggiore. The small, transported by helicopter to hospital in Turin the 118, comes in a coma in hospital for serious injuries. Because of the aggression the child suffers the almost total removal of the scalp. Has numerous injuries throughout his body, especially the face and neck.
- May 11, 2006: In Florence, a half-breed of medium size, led by a man walking in the gardens of Scandicci, biting the throat a 12enne who tried to pet it. The little girl, brought to the emergency room dell'ospedale pediatrico Meyer, e' operata d'urgenza.
- 4 MAGGIO 2006: A Spini di Gardolo, in provincia di Trento, un rottweiler azzanna alla testa un bimbo di appena 30 mesi. Il piccolo viene trasportato al pronto soccorso dell'ospedale di Trento, dove viene medicato per ferite non gravi e viene dimesso.
- 9 FEBBRAIO 2006: A Popoli (Pescara) una bambina di sei anni viene aggredita da un rottweiler mentre passeggia con i genitori nel centro della cittadina. La piccola e' azzannata al volto dal cane di un commerciante del posto e in ospedale le vengono applicati 20 punti di sutura.
- 27 GENNAIO 2006: A Nuoro un anziano viene aggredito da un cane mentre passeggia per la centralissima piazza cittadina. Le lesioni provided, however, are not 'serious.
- July 27, 2005: A Piacenza a child of Macedonian origin living in Piacenza is bitten by a Stafford Shire Terrier while walking downtown with his mother. The small, 5 years old, reported serious damage to the ear and lower lip.
hospitalized in the Department of Plastic Surgery Hospital 'Maggiore' di Parma undergoes several surgeries to reconstruct his ear.
- July 5, 2005: A Macchia, a village in the province of Catania, a child's bike is bitten by a dog out of a villa vicina.Trasportato hospital Giarre, the small wounds were found at the back, arm and knee to the seriousness of which 'the doctors transfer of Cannizzaro Hospital Catania.
- August 5, 2004: A woman is attacked in the throat by a Great Dane in the garden of his home in Casarza Ligure (Genoa).
- February 23, 2004: A pit bull bites his owner and another dog near the Porta Nuova railway station.
The animal is killed by police, arrived on site
- December 6, 2003: A Olbia a Rottweiler attacks two women, one of them pregnant. The dog, having prevailed on the dog on a leash held by one of two women, and then pounced on the lady on her friend, providing them un'escoriazione and a wound to the thigh.
- September 21, 2003: In Milan, a fifty- who is working in a laboratory in the northern suburbs east of Milan is attacked by a rottweiler and two bulldog for a walk by the owner of a neighboring body.
- September 16, 2003: A Cefalu ', location' resort in the province of Palermo, a housewife of 47 years is attacked by a pitbull. The dog then tries to attack her master, but 'immobilized by the police arrive.
- September 8, 2003: In Turin, a child is attacked by a pit bull escaped from its owner and remains seriously injured in the face.
- August 6, 2003: A Padua Villafranca is a woman savaged by two pit bulls while he is jogging with a friend.
manages to escape and reported only minor injuries
- July 13, 2003: In Milan, a pitbull, left without a leash by its owner, attacks and wounds to the face of a woman who is 69 years into the house.
- August 24, 2002: A Frost reduce two stray dogs dying a 9-year-old had approached what looked like two puppies. Savaged and almost torn, the child remains in the street with the bloodied body. Transported to Rome, where he was operated on, miraculously survived.
- October 5, 2002: In Rome, a pit bull comes out against a motorcyclist with which his master was arguing for the sake of 'practicability'.
- November 6, 2002: A girl of three years is attacked by a neighbor's pit bull while out from his home with his mother. The small, savaged in the abdomen and face, is hospitalized in guarded prognosis, and after a few days, began to improve.
- November 4, 2002: For a young woman from Reggio Emilia is a loose lip of a pit bull. The woman is jogging when the dog begins to chase and attack. Only saved thanks to the providential intervention of the master, who is denounced because 'his dog' recidivist. In the months before, in fact, had attacked, always near Reggio Emilia, a policeman